Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Smile-An everlasting smile
Eshu is such a happy child. He smiles at just anybody and everybody. I have rarely seen occasions when he doesnot smile... and those are when maybe he is sleepy, hungry or in some sort of pain. Whenever we go around with him, people just can't go without noticing him ... the way he smiles at them, it is sure to leave a smile on their faces too.
Now, when Anshu is not around for a month, I have seen Eshu searching for him at times. I see his lips curve into a beautiful smile when he sees daddy's pics on laptop. I know how immensely Anshu is missing his darling baby and counting days, hours , minutes and seconds to be with him.
Eshu's smile is one of the most precious things on earth for us. He is too young now... but when he grows up and reads this post of mine, I wish it leaves him with the same sweet and innocent million dollar smile of his. Love you baby.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
My Daddy Strongest
Just wanted to take a minute off and wish all the daddies out there a very very Happy Father's Day!!!
I am glad my dad is here with me in bangalore today. Though there is nothing special I am doing today, but just the togetherness means a lot. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY papa... I can't thank you enough for all that you have done for me... infact just a mere 'thank' won't suffice... All I can say is, I am glad to have you as my dad. I could not ask for more. Love you papa...
And again there is no doubt's that Eshu too has an awesome dad and he's a great man on top of all. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY, Honey! You are such a great dad and I know how special the relationship is between you and Eshu. This being your first father's day, I know how much you would be missing your chonu. Just want to let ou know, Eshu too misses papa a lot, his hugs and early morning kisses. Come back soon....
Monday, June 8, 2009
Are you working?
Becoming a mother is a very special occasion in my life, as it would be in any woman's life. And when I decided to be one, I and Anshu never had any debates over whether I would be working post delivery or even when I would join back work. It was never an if-else-if situation or choices on raising our little wonder. I would stay at home and take care of him- and that was something I was more than willing to do.
Call me outdated, foolish or whatever, but please spare me the same routine question over and over again. Parenting was never a career option for me. And please don't pity me either, as I am NOT sacrificing anything for my son.
Life is tough being a stay-at-home-mom . Managing things from the crack of the dawn until half the world goes asleep is definitely not easy. All this hard work doesn't earn me a penny but it leaves a million dollar smile on my face.
So, to all those who have asked me this question or the ones who were going to ask me next... Maybe I will go back to work when my little wonder has grown old enough or whenever I feel like ... or maybe not... until then please don't make parenting sound too low a job to have traded my career for.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
He arrived at 11:14 AM (EST), on August 31st, 2008 .
On 14th October, he gave his first social smile. This was one thing I craved to see and was glad to see that at about 6 weeks of age.
At about 7 weeks of age on 28th October, he laughed for the first time. He loves smiling at anyone and everyone. Infact he smiles more to strangers than he does to us.
On December 20th he held his head up..
He rolled over for the first time on December 26th at about 4 months.
He sat up without support on January 27th.
One major milestone, "crawling" happened at 7 months of age, on March 8th. Today at 9 months of age he is freaking fast crawling machine. I wonder how this 70 cm tall human keeps me on my toes all the time. He just won't be confined at one place for more than a minute. No toy keeps him captivated for more than a couple of minutes.
On 2nd April, he pulled himself up to standing. And he loves doing it to the extent that I find him standing up against the wall in the middle of the night. Now since he can not see anything in the dark, he holds onto it for some time and then starts crying.
One thing that is an absolute pleasure to see him do is playing peek-a-boo, which he first played on February 18th. He loves to play it the most with his mamma. He just screams and laughs hysterically while he plays it.
And just last month, he got his first set of pearl... They are yet to show up clearly when he smiles. I have heard babies look very very cute smiling with those 2 teeth showing up, and I am waiting to see him with them pretty soon.
Off lately he has started babbling alot. The biggest milestone for us being when he said "papa" and "mamma" for the first time . Though the words"mamma" and "papa" just came out of his mouth while babbling and it was not something which he said by us asking him to say so. But I simply love it when he keeps saying"mamma" for most of the time that he babbles.
With each milestone, my little wonder has only grown bigger, stronger, older, more unmanageable and more adorable. Having a baby is the most precious feeling and incomparable to any other feeling in the world. Watching them grow and develop in front of your eyes, is an important part of your memory that will stay with you till you live.